13 May 2009

preparing to leave england

a couple of weeks was just enough time to prepare for taking circus to a group of children living in a tent village half way up a mountain in the himalaya range!
to make sure that there will be plenty of exciting things to teach the kids, i got together a large shopping list of supplies from the juggling shop in london, including unicycle, clubs, rings and other things!

did a bit of extra fundraising by walking my rope over a canal and although the londoners were busy enjoying their pints and rare good summer weather, they took time to stop and stare and support with a clap of their hands and pounds in the hat!

physical preperation took the form of daily yoga to keep my body fit and flexible and enrolling as a member of the london circus school meant that i always had training space for rope walking, handstands and juggling.

lastly and by no means leastly, friends who could not make it here gave a large cash donation to help bring circus out here, hopefully this will go to buy some mats for safe acrobatics and even some kind of structure for rope walking!

the flight out of england was 10th may and i realised the benifit of all the yoga as i arrived safely at ther airport with 36 kilos of "stuff to juggle and one wheeled cycles" .....-off to india


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