04 June 2009


In honour of Alex's pending departure, and approapriately half way through the full two months of this, the first leg of social circus in northern India, we set the kids the task of putting on their first show!
My aim was to help them as little as possible and hope that they could find some way to organize the bits and prices they had been taught over the last month and organize the skills into short acts to present on stage!


A joy to watch, "beauty out of chaos" everybody had the chance to show something.... A big challenge for anybody the first show as skills are not yet developed and even a clear concept of what a show might be is not yet in the mind.

A few students really shined, showing awareness of tjeir stage character even now and many children proved that even in a month you can learn enough about juggling to put on stage.

My hopes for the future are to integrate all the students into more acts where it is clear that they are all in the same team.. The seperation of the sexes is a sensitive issue in India but at least to try to reduce competition between the sexes and keep the circus a family affair, brothers and sisters working together!

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